Our environmental education centre offers a large variety of programs for high school students to learn about and understand their natural environment.
1: Physical World and Alternative Energy: Stage 4
Outcomes: SC4-11PW
Program overview
Invite a Rumbalara's ‘Bright Sparks' energy trailer to your school. It's full of hands-on activities promoting scientific curiosity and the search for alternative energy solutions. Investigate solar panels, wind turbines, solar thermal and sustainable building.
Download the Bright Sparks brochure for more information.
2: Living World Stage 5
Outcomes SC5-6WS, SC5-7WS, SC5-14LW
Students will undertake scientific investigations to measure and describe and understand the characteristics of an ecosystem. This includes the use of scientific instruments, sampling techniques and classification keys. Students will discuss food webs of the estuary and adaptations of organisms. The program involves fieldwork at either Picnic Point, The Entrance or Saltwater Creek, Long Jetty – followed by an investigation at The Entrance Channel. (Note: Long Jetty option requires a bus to be available during the day).
Download the Stage 5 Living Worlds brochure to find out more.
3: Marine and Aquaculture Technology: Stage 5
Outcomes: 5.2.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.5.1
Program overview
Conduct primary research on the environmental conditions that have shaped adaptations and the patterns of life on rock platforms, beaches, estuaries/ coastal lagoons. There is a focus on the sustainable management of these popular places. Can be conducted at many locations depending on your special focus - fish, invertebrates and birds.
Coastal lagoon field work can include a scientific investigation of microplastics in the environment using transects and quadrats. Microplastics can be viewed with a digital microscope and types of plastics will be classified into size and type. Possible sources and solutions to microplastics will be discussed.
Sites that the program may be conducted at include Bateau Bay Rock Platform, Bensville Wetlands and Coastal Lagoons (Wamberal, Terrigal, Avoca and Copacabana).
4: Depth Study Support: Stage 6
Program overview
Students who participate in our Stage 6 field work programs could contribute fifteen hours to their to Depth Study investigation. Further pre and post-visit resources and links will be provided to support students to further investigate their area of interest.
The depth of study that will be undertaken:
Pre-visit work - 2 Hours
Fieldwork with Rumbalara - 4 Hours
Processing and analysing data collected infield - 2 hours
Communicating findings- 1 hour
Further investigation of an area of interest inspired by field work 2- 5 hours
5: Biology- Module 4 Ecosystems Dynamics & Module 3 Biological Diversity: Stage 6
Outcomes: BIO11/12-1, BIO11/12-2, BIO11/12-3, BIO11/12-4, BIO11/12-5, BIO11-11
Program overview
Students will use an inquiry learning model to investigate the population dynamics of local ecosystems and determine relationships between biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. The future of ecosystems will also be examined with discussions of management options and the perspective of stakeholders.
Fieldwork activities include:
· use of transects and quadrats to measure the distribution and abundance of plants and animals.
· wildlife observations with reference to field guides and identification APPS
· measurement of physical and chemical abiotic influences
· observations of predation, competition and symbiotic relationships amongst local ecosystem species.
· practical observations and discussion of adaptations of plant and animal species
· discussion of environmental pressures that promote a change in species diversity and abundance.
Sites that the program may occur at consist of Bateau Bay or Copacabana Rock Platform.
Download the Stage 6 Biology Ecosystem Dynamics brochure for more information.
6: Investigating Science, Cause and Effect – Inferences and Generalisations: Stage 6
Outcomes: INS11/12-1, INS11/12-2, INS11/12-4, INS11-9
Program overview
"The proliferation of plastic products in the last 70 years or so has been extraordinary; quite simply we cannot now live without them. We are now producing nearly 300 million tons of plastic every year, half of which is for single use. More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year. A Plastic Ocean - Film.
This program will focus on Microplastics and includes a practical investigation which will collect a range of qualitative and quantitative primary data on the impact of Micro Plastics on our coastal lagoons.
the program is conducted at Terrigal Lagoon
Fieldwork activities include:
· use of a transect and quadrat to collect data
· classification of microplastics into size classes and polymer types
· collecting data on macro-plastics
· conducting water quality testing to identify other sources of pollution
· discussion of impacts and sources of microplastics in the local area.
Download the Stage 6 Microplastics brochure for more information.
View resources from AUSMAP - includes videos and worksheets on how to conduct the investigation.
7: Earth & Environmental Science -Introduced Species: Stage 6
Outcomes: EES11/12-, EES11/12-2, EES11/12-3, EES11-11
Program overview
An investigation of introduced species and their impact on ecosystems.
Fieldwork activities include:
· use of quadrat sampling techniques to compare a lantana infested area and a natural rainforest.
· measurements of abiotic factors to account for impacts of lantana
· surveys of introduced animal species such as mosquitos, fish and bell birds
· assessment of the impact of introduced species on the rainforest environment
· discussion of control and mitigation of introduced species at Strickland Forest
· water quality testing and discussion of how human activity can influence the availability and quality of water.
Strickland State Forest is the location for this excursion..
Download the Stage 6 Earth & Environmental Science - Introduced Species brochure for more information.
7: Earth & Environmental Science - Earth's Resources Stage 6
Outcomes: EEs11/12-3, EES11/12-4, EES11/12-5, EES11-8
Program Overview
Students will be taken on a journey through time via an investigation of geology and fossils at three significant geological locations close to the Central Coast (Catherine Hill Bay, Swansea Head & Mulbring).Students will be able to see significant coal seams and dykes, the remain of a Glossopteris Forest and a variety of fossils at a disused quarry.
Students will collect, process and analyse data in order to identify trends, patterns and relationships in the Earth’s resources.
Field work activities include:
• soil texture, colour and pH tests
• diagrams of rocks and rock layers
• classification and measurement of fossils.
Download the Stage 6 Earth & Environmental Science brochure for more information.
8: School Environmental Audits
Program overview
The program consists of measuring and analysing energy, water consumption, waste and monitoring wildlife with a view to sustainability. This program contributes to the school environmental management strategy.