Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 4324 7200


Platypus education kit

The aim of this education kit is to reduce the problem of platypus injury and death while at the same time ensuring appropriate habitat management and the protection of riparian zones.

The resource has been developed by the Platypus Awareness and Conservation Team (PACT), a group comprising a number of organisations.

Platypus are being accidentally caught in yabby traps & drowned. These traps are illegal in the HCRCMA region. The level of community awareness of this issue is poor, and the use of these traps and the associated accidental platypus deaths are continuing.

Information has been customised for use by councils, landholders, schools and special interest groups in the wider community.

This education kit

This Platypus Education Kit has been produced with funding provided by the Hunter Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority (HCRCMA) through its Environmental Education Grants. For further information contact Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre: