Our Environmental Education Centre provides students and members of our community with details on climate change and energy.
- NSW Schools Climate Change Highlights Youtube video from the Schools Climate Change Initiative NSW.
- World view of global warming website that contains photos that show evidence of global warming such as glaciers and polar caps
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center that provides answers to frequently asked questions about climate change
- Climate Institute which provides a new climate change information service with media, research & latest technologies
- Carbon Reduction Institute is a carbon consultancy company to help reduce your CO2 emissions, carbon offsets for travelling and much more.
- WWF Global offers current news articles on climate change
- Greenpeace provides information and news articles on global warming
- The Alternative Energy Association promote the use of alternative technology
- Sydney Morning Herald website has a great article on global warming and the Kyoto Protocol on the Website.
- Climate Change In Australia (CSIRO) website has released a report on climate change in Australia. Both the summary document and the technical report are available at this site.
Books, kits and CDs available for loan from Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre
- Energy Management In NSW Schools, NSW Department of Education 2002
- Greenhouse Action Education Kit Kindergarten to Year 6, Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust.
- Greenhouse Action Education Kit Year 7 to 12, Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust.
- EPA Victoria / CSIRO, Greenhouse Calculator CD Rom, Notes: audits electricity use in the home and calculates the cost and greenhouse gases. This content has teaching units for Years 5 to 8.
- ABC Ingenious, Notes: two copies of this CD were sent to every school in Australia in late 1998. The content in the footage focuses on undertaking investigations based on the solar car challenge, saving the Marla, bushfires and more.
- We Are The Weather Makers, Tim Flannery, 2006, The Text publishing company.