Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre provides students and members of our community with the information needed to test and evaluate water and stormwater.
Downloadable resources
Sustainable Schools NSW aims to assist school communities across NSW to teach important sustainability knowledge and concepts. Excellent resources on saving energy, water and waste, improving biodiversity as well as guidelines for developing School Environmental Management Plans.
Blue Planet which provides High school and community water resources
Water Edcuation Tool Kit, a search engine for water education resources from around Australia.
Catchment Management Authority delivers quality, customer-focused services to farmers, landholders and the community.
NSW Environment Protection Authority provides regulations for protecting the environment such as water, air, pesticides, radiation.
Streamwatch is a citizen science water monitoring program
Waterwatch is a water testing and teaching resources
Books, kits and CD's that are available for loan from Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre
- Co-operative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology Invertebrates Of Australian Inland Waters. Notes Colour fieldguide.
- Guild League, Guide To Pondlife. Notes Student activities.
- Lennox, Sue, Stormwater Teaching Guide Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- Sydney Water, Streamwatch Manual, Notes description and procedures for water quality tests.
- Wyong Shire Council, Porters Creek Education Kit. Notes contains worksheets, CD Rom of local plants, animals and map of Porters Creek Catchment (near Wyong).
- Wyong and Gosford Council, Central Coast Water Supply 2205. Notes information on the existing supply network, global warming impacts, environmental flows and water supply options including re-use, desalination, groundwater and water saving initiatives.